There is a charge to come out with the hunt as this is how we generate the income needed to pay staff salaries and care of the horses and hounds. Traditionally all subscriptions are an invitation to join the hunt and are suggested as a minimum amount, although the rates below are have been budgeted to generate the income needed to run our operation.

Many people who have retired from the hunting field like to send an annual donation to the secretary to show their on-going appreciation, or they join the Patrons Club. This helps us give a good rate to young people.

Subscribers send their payments to the Secretary:

Miss Rosie Garton, Orchard Cottage, Sundey Hill Farm, Brinkworth, Wilts. SN15 5AS Cheques should be made payable to “The VWH Hunt”. To pay electronically or to discuss direct debits by installment, contact Rosie by e-mail on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Subscription Per Season (unlimited days) £2,720
Joint subscription Husband and Wife £4,130
Farmers who earn living from farming £1,045
Young Person (26-30 years on 1st Nov) £1,290
Young Person (22-25 years on 1st Nov) £700
Student (19-21 years on 1st Nov) £110 per season, plus £30 per day
Point-to-point qualifying days  £160 per horse
Visitors’ Cap
(contact the secretary in advance; group discount available)
£115 weekdays, £155 Saturdays
Children £15 - £30 depending on age group
Parents are encouraged to join the hunt supporter club:
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£25 per season

Pre-Season Autumn Mornings (no charge if you have paid your subscription as above).

Mounted followers: August - September £30 (mid week) & £40 (Saturdays)
October £50 (mid week) & £75 (Saturdays)
18 years and under £15

Full subscribers’ employees may hunt on the subscriber’s horse by prior arrangement with the Field Secretaries.