The VWH Farmers and Supporters Club works to support the activities of the hunt and relationships with farmers and foot followers. The committee are energetic fund-raisers and work to raise money for various equipment and projects needed to run the Hunt Kennels.

The FSC therefore holds a variety of events throughout the year and has merchandise for sale. Volunteers from the FSC also raise money at meets through the Whisky Draw and also for good causes such as the Earl Hague Poppy Appeal.

Gavin MacEchern, Chairman of the VWH hands the keys of the new Fallen Stock Vehicle to Chris.

The vehicle was donated by the Farmers and Supporters Club.

The 2017 FSC donation to the hunt is a new Fallen Stock Collection vehicle (the Knacker van). A Knacker vehicle may not sound a very exciting piece of equipment, but it is in fact absolutely vital to the effective running of the Hunt and the work of our Kennelman, Chris Bolland. It is utilized for picking up of fallen stock from our farmers. This ensures we can provide and excellent servie to our farmers by removing fallen stock more cheaply and efficiently than any other collections service and secondly, the fallen stock provides most of the feed for the hounds. This vehicle replaces the one that has been in use since 2010 and which was also purchased by the FSC. It has been well looked after and therefore has a resale value. Oli Avery maintains the vehicles and sourced the new one. He and Gordon Smith have refurbished and transferred the aluminium container to the new vehicle.


The Committee

President - Mrs. A. T. G. Wilkins

Chairman -  Mrs. J. Hancox

Vice chairman - Miss. L. Kernon

Treasurer - Ms. K. Hancox

Hon Secretary - Mrs. F. Grieten

Membership Secretary - Mr. M. Whitfield

Club Merchandise - Mrs. S. Ash

Committee members: Mr. K. Brewer, Mr. S. Winter, Countess Goess Saurau, Mr. D. Hague, Miss. J. Steinsdorfer, Mrs. S. Howe, Mr. I. Lewis

Chairman’s Message

For those who I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet, my name is Judy Hancox and I am very honoured to be your new Chairperson. I run The Butts Farm, an open farm committed to promoting Rare Breeds, teaching children and adults about farming in the countryside for over 30 years. Alongside farming, hunting is my life’s passion. I first hunted with the VWH when I was eleven and love being part of such a welcoming and inclusive community. I believe strongly that weather you ride, follow on foot or come along to the hunt social events you are part of the supporting community and integral part of the VWH. This year, I am walking a couple of great puppies Saddler and Safety, which make up for me not being able to get our in the saddle as much as I’d like.

I am honoured to have taken the reins from my predecessor Duncan Drewett, who has served as Chairman for many years. I am delighted to carry on his good work and will focus on encouraging new members of all ages to join the hunt supporters’ group and on facilitating more social events in support of the hunt. Never any excused to feel lonely in the VWH!

As Polly Portwin recently explained “There have been many adjectives, many of them unprintable, used to describe those who supported hunting, but optimistic, dedicated and resilient are just some that spring to mind when you consider how we’ve managed to overcome various challenged, not least restrictive legislation”. I am proud that all these attributes certainly ring true for those who support the VWH hunt, enabling us to work together to hunt within the law.

I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone at the various events we have on throughout the year.

Chairman of the VWH Farmers & Supporters Club

President’s Message

Many people have commented on how useful and helpful they find the Yearbook. If there is anything that you think we have missed or would be helfpul to others please let us know. Our grateful thanks to Oriel for always being there, helping with all our fundraising activites. Pat Steward has moved to new hunting country and we wish her well and thank her for all the help she has given the VWH.

Wishing you all a good season.

President of the VWH Hunt Farmers & Supporters Club

Chairman's Message

I am very excited and honoured to be the new Chairman of the V.W.H. Thank you to Gavin MacEchern for his helpful handover. 
With a new season approaching there is no doubt there are plenty challenges for all of us involved in Trail Hunting. However, I know we will be doing our very best to be make sure that the VWH are following the guidelines of our regulatory body the BHSA.
The VWH simply would not exist without the farmers, supporters, subscribers, fundraisers and the team at the kennels.
With another busy year ahead, thank you in advance for all of your support.
For those not yet involved in the V.W.H, the doors are always open. Please do get in touch.

Rupert Longsdon
Chairman of the VWH Hunt
